Comma-la. Kuh-mah-la. Or as Vice President Kamala Harris said Saturday night, "Keep Calm-ala and Carry on-ala." Harris, the ...
“Every other setting…would have remained the same.” “Keep calm and carry on,” he added. “It’s still the Anthropocene.” The analogy to the Great Oxygenation Event reminds us that ...
Keep calm and carry on. Those words, though not appearing as extensively on posters in wartime Britain as often supposed, are good advice for Americans now appalled by the presidency of Donald Trump.
It speaks to the truth that in challenging moments, we often need to be reminded to walk the path of faith over fear, courage over comfort and to “keep calm and carry on.” Management experts ...
She's not your typical carry that's very weak in the beginning and strong in ... like in one of those matches where only Morphling gets 20 or 30 kills. But if you keep a safe distance from him, it ...