Designating meal prep days has helped me stick to my New Year's resolution of eating out less, but it's also introduced a new organizing challenge for my tiny fridge. With the rows of stacked ...
You probably already know that Ikea sells not only furniture but also Swedish meatballs, but do you know much else about the brand? It was founded in 1943 when then 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad ...
Along with the extra storage, it freed up floor space that a dresser or shelves would have otherwise occupied. It measures 39 inches wide, 60 inches tall, and just 18 inches deep. The Ikea ...
One thing you have to look out for with products like this one at IKEA is that the bin and its lid were in different places on the shelf. This is probably for the sake of storage efficiency ...
If you're trying to add storage to an area with slanted ceilings, you'll need some creative solutions. Check out some IKEA products that would work.
If you want an elegant solution to the problem, consider getting yourself an IKEA Billy bookshelf ... It also naturally features plenty of storage for your filament, tools, and other accoutrements.