That journal can be used to not only keep memories, but express your gratitude, too. Gratitude journal prompts can help travelers reflect on their experiences and foster a deeper sense of ...
A dream journal is something that, when brought up in conversation, causes the other person to suddenly remember that they ...
A 2020 research study promoted by UCLA Health found that practicing gratitude for 15 minutes per day, five days a week for ...
Any journal can be a gratitude journal — you just have to write what you're thankful for. But if you're experiencing a little ...
Here are two journaling prompts that use the rosy retrospection ... smells and feelings to fully immerse yourself in the memory. Express gratitude for having experienced this joyful moment and ...
Practicing gratitude can mean different things to different people. From daily journaling to evening prayers, gratitude practice can take many forms. Read on to find out the benefits of practicing ...
Some small ways you can practice gratitude include journaling and taking a moment to be grateful to yourself. Practicing gratitude will look different for everyone, and it may take some time to ...
If you’re serious about it, you can also start a gratitude journal and write down all your daily blessings and nice moments, even the small ones, like the fragrance of your flowers. When you ...