Most of them – everything from the ATMega 168, 328, 32u4, to the ATtiny85 and 84 have a temperature sensor right on the chip. [Connor] did a little bit of research on this sensor and came up ...
This futuristic vision is becoming a reality thanks to a tiny, powerful sensor developed by researchers at Aalto University in Finland. The breakthrough technology, described in Science Advances, ...
An on-chip wavefront image sensor capable of measuring phase gradients would benefit a wide variety of applications, including phase contrast microscopy, adaptive optics and machine vision.
Microchip (MCHP) announces its second generation Low-Noise Chip-Scale Atomic Clock model SA65-LN, in a lower profile height and designed to ...
Microchip has developed its own Evacuated Miniature Crystal Oscillator (EMXO) technology and integrated it into a CSAC, enabling the model SA65-LN to offer a reduced profile height of less than ½ inch ...
DTM relies on accurately sensing and managing on-chip temperature, both in space and time, by optimally allocating smart temperature sensors in the silicon. Many on-chip safety features are usually ...