This type of motivation may disappear when rewards and punishments are removed and may lead to more superficial learning. How much students care about succeeding at a goal will contribute to the ...
Leave the Lincoln and Rolex behind and create a culture that encourages long-lasting motivation and retention.
Let’s explore what motivation is and how we can enhance it. When learning aligns with a student’s values and feels meaningful, their motivation grows. Cultivating motivation in the classroom fosters ...
The basis of social learning theory is simple: People learn by watching other people. We can learn from anyone—teachers, parents, siblings, peers, co-workers, YouTube influencers, athletes ...
Effective learning isn't just about finding the easiest path—it's about the right kind of challenge. Two prominent theories—Desirable Difficulties (DDF) and Cognitive Load Theory (CLT)—offer ...
A study of contemporary theory and research on motivation in educational contexts with emphasis on implications for learning and for educational practice. The fourth number of the course code shows ...
Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter known to modulate motivation and reinforcement learning. While the role of dopamine in these reward-related processes is well-established, the cellular and ...
I feel that this book is targeted towards academics, researchers, and people interested in motivation psychology generally, particularly reversal theory. As outlined in the preface and introductory ...