The world of the Roman Empire was not just one of legions, emperors, and conquests — it was also a world of legal disputes, ...
"This is the best-documented Roman court case from Judea apart from the trial of Jesus." In the 1950s, an ancient papyrus ...
A new discovery from the Roman empire outlines a juicy case of second-century crime. Containing an extraordinary 133 lines of ...
Explore the fascinating narrative of forgery and tax evasion in ancient Rome through the discovery of a remarkable Greek ...
I've been working as a tour guide in Rome since 2008, and it only seems to be getting more crowded with tourists. Instead, go ...
Researcher Uncovers Ancient Papyrus From a Storeroom, Provides Insight Into Criminal Cases in Roman Empire A researcher from ...
"This is the best-documented Roman court case from Iudaea apart from the trial of Jesus," said one researcher.
The Romans associated pants with barbarism and eventually banned them, but the legwear eventually became commonplace nonetheless.
A newly translated papyrus found in Israel provides information about criminal cases and slave ownership in the Roman Empire.
In general, equipping a leader with their "signature" mementos – that's the ones you unlock by leveling those leaders up – is ...
Archaeologists in Luxembourg have unearthed a stash of Roman gold coins dating back some 1,600 years. The coins are marked ...
Irene of Athens was the first Greek-Roman empress to wield power as a sole ruler of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.