A sea otter feeding in Glacier Bay, Alaska photographed by scientist Jim ... Expedition Retraced could well see otter groups, called "rafts," resting on the surface in protected bays or inlets ...
In North America sea otters once ranged from Baja California, Mexico, all the way to Alaska. Between 1741 and 1911 ... disappeared and were believed extinct until a small group (or “raft”) of them ...
Once hunted to the brink of extinction, sea otters have recolonized Glacier Bay National Park with a vengeance. Several times each July, when the weather over southeast Alaska’s Glacier ... congregate ...
The majority of the world’s sea otters (90%) are northern sea otters living off of the coast of Alaska. Many of these ... Otters Does It Take To Form a “Raft”? It only takes two sea otters ...
It turned out to be a huge gathering of sea otters, a so-called raft, perhaps 100 in all. Even MacDuffee was giddy at the sight. “How do you know you’re in Alaska? A hundred sea otters!” ...
Meet Ollie, the “Salish Sea Serial Killer,” a cute, furry sea otter with a dark side and a rap sheet longer than the ‘Colwood ...
some 89 sea otters were reintroduced to the B.C. coast from Alaska – and though their population now numbers in the thousands up north, few have been documented along the South Island. “If you go up ...
Podium for public testimony before the Alaska Board of Fisheries at their meeting at the Ted Ferry Civic Center in Ketchikan.
researchers have been able to document the impacts of sea otters on the ocean environment as their populations recover and move north (in what the researchers call "rafts of foraging otters").