Article in KAPD's monthly Der Proletarier by F. Struggler, this text talks about the occultist and claimed clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner. Originally published in "Proletarier, May 1925".
The wealthy are seen as playing a malign role in society. Two-thirds of respondents believe the wealthy fail to pay appropriate taxes and laws that serve the wealthy come at the detriment of ...
The transition to a coin-lite society will start once the BSP finally sees the impact of key interventions on the currency demand of Filipinos, specifically those policies meant to convince more ...
The emergence of a polite, lying society might be due to a combination of technological change and sloppy government. Chart: The Economist For many years the British Social Attitudes Survey has ...
Scientific community and society encompasses research and material which directly concerns, or is relevant to, members of the community of scientists in particular or society at large. Our weekly ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has further evidenced the potential of grassroots actors as initiators of digital innovations, in the form of open-source applications, platform cooperatives, and other ...
Members' are invited to join us as Mr. Bernard Kwan leads you through basic Qigong movements and controlled breathings to raise awareness of your own sensitivity to energy.
The Royal Society of Chemistry has agreed a new three-year Open Access publishing agreement with Couperin, a consortium of French Higher Education and Research establishments.
Founded in 1964, Antioch University New England’s commitment to social, economic, and environmental justice serves as a foundation for all certificate, master’s and doctoral degrees.