Polk County’s level of immunization for kindergartners dropped from 96.3% in 2021 to 93.2% in 2023, still above the statewide ...
Image Elsa Sjunneson, a disability rights activist, was born with congenital rubella resulting in cataracts ... a research fellow in infectious disease modeling at the London School of Hygiene ...
Threats from infectious disease have not been vanquished; they have—in some instances at least—been tamed, but are ready to surge back, should we allow them to do so through complacency. 2025 is not ...
A salivary gland infection can develop when harmful bacteria or viruses build up in the salivary glands. These are located in the head and neck and produce saliva. It typically causes swollen ...
The viral infection surges are putting such on a strain on health systems that Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge had to stop accepting ambulances earlier this week. Patient numbers ...
In its latest report, the China CDC said that human metapneumovirus (hMPV), a common respiratory infection, remains at high levels. Flu activity across the country is expected to gradually decline ...
Background: Cardiovascular involvement is a rare but severe complication of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infections. Patients with chronic active EBV (CAEBV) are at increased risk of developing ...
SINGAPORE - A new lead agency to prevent, prepare for, detect and manage infectious diseases will be set up by the first half of 2025, with the passing of a new Bill on Jan 7. The move is to allow ...
In rats with congenital rubella, following maternal infection during pregnancy, the pathogenic effects and persistence of the virus after birth are remarkably similar to conditions prevailing in ...
Emerging human metapneumovirus (hMPV) strains spark concerns and opportunities in managing respiratory infections in kids. Short Communication: Emerging lineages A2.2.1 and A2.2.2 of human ...
An estimated 1 million new trichomoniasis infections occur each year. Caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, this curable STI often causes symptoms like vaginal itching, a frothy discharge, a ...
After the achievement of the elimination of smallpox, different regions around the world endorsed the goal to eliminate certain vaccine-preventable diseases, such as polio, measles and rubella.