Netflix Indonesia is launching Ernest Prakasa's 'The Actor' (Lupa Daratan) this year, along with zombie film 'The Elixir' ...
The Menu was one of the best horror movies of 2022, and now everything is streaming it on Netflix as it dominates the movie charts.
There's nothing more frightening than a scary movie based on actual events. Seeing fictionalized horrors unfold is one thing; ...
În București vor avea loc mai multe evenimente în acest final de săptămână, care va marca începutul lunii februarie. Vor fi, printre altele, concerte, petreceri, piese de teatru și filme la cinema, re ...
M olly Gordon is once again wearing multiple hats for her genre-bending romantic comedy Oh, Hi!, which recently premiered at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival. The movie marks Gordo ...
New horror movie Together has made its debut at the Sundance Film Festival, and it's already winning over critics. The horror ...
Alief has acquired international sales rights to Indian supernatural folk horror 'Bokshi,' ahead of its world premiere at Rotterdam.
Filmul „Kingdom of Judas”, regizat de Sabina Lisievici, va fi disponibil în America de Nord pe platformele de streaming ...
There is a wide variety of genres that can be enjoyed through Steam, from the adorable cozy titles that help players to relax to the more intense experiences such as horror games. Horror has been ...
GLGH Steel, LLC, o companie deținută de fondul de investitii american Great Lakes Global Holdings, va achiziţiona producătprul român de țevi din oțel fără sudură Artrom Steel Tubes SA, care are două ...