When he battle’s lost and won! SISTER 1: That will be ere the set of sun. NARRATOR: Macbeth. A Scottish lord. Here he is – not far from those witches,leading the Scottish army against a ...
The growing tension has escalated after Pelosi's daughter Alexandra compared the First Lady to Shakespeare's "Lady Macbeth," while the Bidens maintain a notable silence following Pelosi's recent ...
Key scenes from Macbeth are explored through performance, unlocked by actors and directors at the Royal Shakespeare Company. These short films are from the BBC series, Shakespeare Unlocked.
And a bankruptcy threat looms. The acclaimed performer, who last year appeared as Lady Macbeth alongside David Tennant’s Macbeth in London’s West End, was the subject of a bankruptcy hearing ...
We’re warned that sleeplessness takes a serious toll. But obsessing over how to cure it may be even more damaging.
"Blind ambition" is a banal phrase — but the kind of blindness to consequences involved in this scandal would make Lady Macbeth blush. The entire federal government, all that time, was flying ...
While the narrator of “All Fours” suffers plenty of distress and ennui, she never uses the word “crisis” without scare quotes ... St. Teresa and part Lady Macbeth, she embraces both ...
Quotes can remind us to slow down, change our outlook and persevere, even in the face of uncertainty and adversity. Here's a ...
While the narrator of All Fours suffers plenty of distress and ennui, she never uses the word “crisis” without scare quotes ... St. Teresa and part Lady Macbeth, she embraces both the ecstasy ...