Certified Case Studies - International Living Future Institute
Our functional yet minimal designs and ergonomic consultation services help transform traditional offices into active, intelligent workspaces. We have become an industry leader in sustainability, advocating for more rigorous standards and incorporating a Planet Positive philosophy into…
Impacting student learning using a living case study
Nov 9, 2015 · Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of using a living case study method to teach graduate students in an organizational development (OD) course. A living case is...
Living Building Challenge - Living Future
LIMITS TO GROWTH The PAE Living Building calls the Old Town neighborhood of Portland, Oregon, home. It is located on a light-rail line just blocks from the Willamette River and within walking distance from the heart of the city.
A Living Case Study: A Journey Not a Destination - IGI Global
A Living Case Study (LCS) methodology was implemented to help deliver a more dynamic and real workplace-related business context to build opportunities for Diploma-level pre-university pathway students to creatively engage with events in the news before transitioning to mainstream higher education in Australia and then the business world.
Live Case Studies Demystified - Harvard Business Publishing …
Jun 7, 2019 · Live case studies bring real companies with real business issues into the classroom. Not only can these experiences bring business frameworks to life for students, but they also surface unpredictable situations that further learning.
Reality and Role Playing: The Use of a “Living Case Study” in ...
We go on to discuss our specific objectives and methodology in developing Marfleet, focusing on issues of verisimilitude, the provision and release of information and the importance of role‐playing to the “living case study”.
Impacting student learning using a living case study
Nov 9, 2015 · Using a living case allows students to extract learning directly from the work experience. By using the concepts and the tools in an authentic, living case, students gain experience and concrete knowledge. This study extends past research on connecting classroom learning and work experience.
(PDF) Enhancing Business Learning Through Living Case Studies
A Living Case Study (LCS) methodology was implemented to help deliver a more dynamic and real workplace-related business context to build opportunities for Diploma-level pre-university pathway students to creatively engage with events in the news before transitioning to mainstream higher education in Australia and then the business world.
The Living Building Challenge is known as the world’s most rigorous building standards certification. It goes well beyond energy efficiency as a metric for quality building design. It embraces a holistic view, treating every building as living system within and inexorably tied to …
Method: Using a case study design, this study explored the experience of a university student, Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) residents and staff who participated in an intergenerational living trial at a regional Aged Care facility in Queensland, Australia.