Why Mars instead of a space station? - Space Exploration Stack …
Jul 23, 2020 · Sufficiently many people (a commonly guesstimated figure being a million) living on Mars could eventually be a completely self-sustaining civilisation. Perhaps a sufficiently large …
Is a midspace space station between Earth and Mars practical?
Dec 5, 2019 · A recent answer included the following:. For example if you were to start a colony on mars, in this order for supplies and other necessities to be delivered there would need to be …
Feasibility: self-sustaining colony on Mars vs. Space Station
Jun 11, 2014 · However, the Mars mission could be done much more slowly, by establishing a small base and slowly expanding it using largely local resources. By comparison, having only …
What are the advantages of building a human colony on the …
Jun 2, 2020 · Just getting to Mars will take longer than a typical ISS mission lasts. The Moon could be used as a literal stepping stone to get to Mars. If we can process raw materials into …
How much UV radiation will Mars inhabitants receive? - Space ...
Jun 5, 2021 · Since the solar flux per unit area decreases as the square of the distance and the distances from the Sun of the Earth and Mars are 149.6 (10) 6 km and 229.9 (10) 6 km …
Trending 'space-station' questions
Q&A for spacecraft operators, scientists, engineers, and enthusiasts
Which are the space station projects for a Mars mission using the ...
Aug 19, 2016 · After the Phobos trip, there would be a short-surface-stay mission to Mars, described as similar to Apollo 17, in 2039. This still doesn't sound quite like what you're asking …
Why are there no video transmissions from the Moon and Mars?
There's only so much bandwidth, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in the ideal conditions puts out 6Mbits, and Curiosities direct to earth data rate is ~15-32kbps, or at up to 8Mbits to the …
Could the ISS be propelled to Mars? - Space Exploration Stack …
The ISS is not designed to operate far from Earth, as it requires constant resupply. If we have trouble resupplying it in low earth orbit, how hard will it be on the way to Mars, and then in …
interplanetary - Orbital station for Mars missions - Space …
Apr 13, 2017 · Unlike a Mars colony, a colony on Phobos could easily lift off and move to another location, as the gravity is very low. Here is a pdf on missions to the moons of Mars and their …