Investing in Indonesia | Indonesia Investments
With its vast archipelago Indonesia has an enormous potential for durable economic growth. Indonesia-Investments follows this development closely and intends to participate, cooperating in projects with local entrepreneurs or the Indonesian government. One of our values is that the process of economic development should lead to increasing welfare and prosperity for the population as a whole.
New Priok Port Project - Kalibaru Port - Indonesia Investments
The construction of a new port - an extension of Indonesia's busiest port, Tanjung Priok - is one of the biggest public projects currently in development in Indonesia. The Tanjung Priok harbor in North Jakarta which handles more than half of total goods that are exported from or imported to ...
PP London Sumatra Indonesia
Palm products accounted for around 85 percent of the company's sales volume in 2013. Rubber's share towards sales volume is roughly 8 percent. Between 85 and 90 percent of total production is sold on the domestic market, the remainder exported. As …
11 Best Influencer Marketing Agencies in Indonesia
May 20, 2023 · Influencer marketing is the dominating marketing trend in Indonesia. Celebrities, KOLs, and content creators are wonderful for brand growth. Influencers have genuine relationships with their audience. Brands can leverage influencer relationships with audiences and convert it into sales.
LQ45 Index - Indonesia Investments
The LQ45 index, compiled by the research and development division of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), consists of 45 stocks that meet a number of specific criteria. One of the key criteria is that these stocks are among the most liquid traded on the IDX. The composition of the LQ45 index is adjusted twice per year (in February and August).
Alamtri Resources Indonesia - Adaro Energy - Indonesia Investments
Alamtri Resources Indonesia has grown into a major energy producer with businesses in the coal mining and services, renewable and non-renewable energy, utilities, minerals, mineral processing and supporting infrastructure sectors run by subsidiaries. …
Perusahaan Listrik Negara - PLN | Indonesia Investments
Business Summary. In 1945, Indonesia's President Soekarno established the Electricity and Gas Bureau, under the Department of Public Works and Energy with a total power generation capacity of 157.5 MW. In 1961, the Electricity and Gas Bureau was renamed BPU-PLN (Board of General Administration of the State Electricity Company) working …
General Outline of Indonesia's Economy - Indonesia Investments
Indonesia, currently the 18th-largest economy in the world, is experiencing remarkable economic growth. After the Asian Financial Crisis of the late 1990s halted a booming economy fostered by the Suharto government, Indonesian macroeconomic indicators started to come back on track in the mid 2000s.Although the Asian Financial Crisis had disastrous consequences (especially on the poorer urban ...
Energi Panas Bumi - Geothermal | Indonesia Investments
Energi panas bumi (atau energi geothermal) adalah sumber energi yang relatif ramah lingkungan karena berasal dari panas dalam bumi. Air yang dipompa ke dalam bumi oleh manusia atau sebab-sebab alami (hujan) dikumpulkan ke permukaan bumi dalam bentuk uap, yang bisa digunakan untuk menggerakkan turbin-turbin untuk memproduksi listrik.
Sugih Energy - Indonesia Investments
Sugih Energy is an Indonesia-based oil & gas company, engaged in the exploration and production in Indonesia’s vast natural resources. Through its subsidiaries, Sugih Energy participates in three exploration and production assets located on Sumatra and Java in the western part of Indonesia..