What Is an Epiretinal Membrane? - WebMD
Aug 22, 2022 · An epiretinal membrane (ERM) is an eye condition where a layer of cells forms on the inside of your retina. This layer of cells is called a membrane. Many people with...
Epiretinal Membrane: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
Oct 17, 2024 · Epiretinal membrane (ERM) is a semi-clear membrane that can form over your retina’s inner surface. It often causes minimal symptoms, but some people have vision loss or distorted...
Epiretinal Membranes - Patients - The American Society of …
Epiretinal Membranes (ERMs), also commonly known as cellophane maculopathy or macular puckers, are avascular (having few or no blood vessels), semitranslucent, fibrocellular membranes that form on the inner surface of the retina.
Epiretinal Membrane - EyeWiki
An epiretinal membrane (ERM) aka as macular pucker is a pathologic fibrocellular tissue caused by proliferation of myofibroblastic cells at the vitreo-retinal interface. It is semi-translucent and proliferates on the surface of the internal limiting membrane.
Epiretinal membrane: Symptoms, causes, and treatment - Medical News Today
Oct 18, 2017 · Epiretinal membranes (ERMs) are thin tissues that can form a layer on the inside of the retina. Symptoms include a loss or distortion of vision and difficulty reading small print.
Epiretinal membrane - Wikipedia
Epiretinal membrane or macular pucker is a disease of the eye in response to changes in the vitreous humor or more rarely, diabetes. Sometimes, as a result of immune system response to protect the retina, cells converge in the macular area as the vitreous ages and pulls away in posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).
Macular Pucker: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
What is macular pucker? A macular pucker is a wrinkling of your retina due to scar tissue. Other terms for this scar tissue are epiretinal membrane (ERM) or cellophane maculopathy. The retina is the part of your eye covered with special nerve cells that react to light. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.
Understanding Epiretinal Membrane: Causes, Symptoms, and …
Apr 22, 2024 · Epiretinal membrane, also known as macular pucker or cellophane maculopathy, is a condition that affects the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. It occurs when a thin layer of scar tissue forms on the surface of the retina, causing it to wrinkle or pucker.
What is a Macular Pucker? - American Academy of Ophthalmology
Oct 31, 2024 · Macular pucker (also called epiretinal membrane) happens when wrinkles, creases or bulges form on your macula. The macula must lie flat against the back of your eye to work properly. When the macula wrinkles or bulges, your central vision is affected. With macular pucker, things can look wavy, or you may have trouble seeing details.
Epiretinal Membrane
Epiretinal membrane is formation of a thin, fibrotic membrane over the retina that contracts, wrinkling the underlying retina and interfering with vision. Epiretinal membrane typically occurs after age 50 and is most common among people > 75. Risk factors for epiretinal membrane are the following: Most cases are idiopathic (1).