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  1. Copilot Answer
    Coffea arabica, also known as the Arabica coffee, is a species of flowering plant in the coffee and madder family Rubiaceae. It is believed to be the first species of coffee to have been cultivated and is the dominant cultivar, representing about 60% of global production. Coffee produced from the less acidic, more bitter, and more highly caffeinated robusta bean makes up most of the remaining coffee production. The natural populations of Coffea arabica are restricted to the forests of South Ethiopia and Yemen.
    Roast the Best Arabica Coffee Ever!
    Roast the Best Arabica Coffee Ever!
    Arabica Coffee: Superior or Overrated?
    Arabica Coffee: Superior or Overrated?

    Coffea arabica pertama kali dideskripsikan secara ilmiah oleh Antoine de Jussieu, yang menamainya Jasminum arabicum setelah mempelajari spesimen dari Kebun Raya Amsterdam. Linnaeus menempatka… See more

    Ciri fisik

    Tumbuhan Coffea arabica liar tumbuh setinggi antara 9 dan 12 m (30 dan 39 kaki), dan memiliki sistem percabangan terbuka; daunnya berseberangan, elips-bulat telur sederhana hingga lonjong, dengan pa… See more

    Varietas di Indonesia

    Di Indonesia, perkebunan kopi arabika banyak ditemui di daerah pegunungan toraja, Sumatera Utara, Aceh dan di beberapa daerah di pulau Jawa. Beberapa varietas kopi arabika yang dikembangkan di Indonesi… See more

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