(IASP), World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September recognizes suicide as a major public health problem. It has spurred global, national and local campaigns that are raising awareness and reducing stigma around the world. National suicide prevention strategies: In recent decades, and particularly since 2000, many national suicide prevention ...
Suicide prevention - World Health Organization (WHO)
Sep 12, 2023 · National leadership and coordination on suicide prevention are further supported by the publication of National suicide prevention strategies: progress, examples and indicators. Recognizing that data and statistics are necessary for advocacy and decision-making, WHO published Suicide worldwide in 2019: Global Health Estimates.
LIVE LIFE Initiative for Suicide Prevention - World Health …
LIVE LIFE is a WHO initiative to support countries to advance political will, national strategic action, and serve as a catalyst for governments to take evidence-based action to prevent suicide. By implementing LIVE LIFE evidence-based interventions for suicide prevention and underlying cross-cutting pillars, many lives could be saved.
National suicide prevention strategies: progress, examples and …
Nov 30, 2018 · National suicide prevention strategies are essential for elevating suicide prevention on the political agenda. A national strategy and associated action plan are necessary to push forward the implementation of suicide prevention. Without these, efforts are likely to abate and suicide prevention will remain neglected. This document aims to serve as a resource and …
Advocating for national suicide prevention strategies
WHO advocates for countries to take action to prevent suicide, ideally through a comprehensive national suicide prevention strategy. A government-led comprehensive national strategy is a powerful tool which helps to ensure that the government and other stakeholders are committed to preventing suicide in a country, that there is coordination and monitoring of their efforts, that …
Suicide prevention - World Health Organization (WHO)
Dec 21, 2023 · These strategies complement and are fully aligned with global goals and initiatives on preventing suicide. A series of technical resources and materials for various key stakeholders, e.g., programme managers, policy makers, health workers, media, content creators, and community organizers, have been developed to support the creation of policies ...
Develop and implement strategies to prevent suicide and promote …
Oct 9, 2019 · National policies or strategies for suicide prevention should be developed and implemented in line with evidence, best practices and international and regional human rights conventions. To help do that, appropriate budgets should be allocated, and institutional, legal and service arrangements adjusted appropriately.
Early identification and support for everyone affected by suicide …
Oct 8, 2019 · Suicide prevention should be incorporated as a core component in the health system to intervene early when people are found to be at risk of suicide. To scale up services for people with mental health conditions and people affected by suicidal behaviours, WHO has developed the mhGAP community toolkit. The toolkit provides guidance for programme ...
LIVE LIFE: An implementation guide for suicide prevention in …
Jun 17, 2021 · More than 700 000 people lose their life to suicide every year. The world is not on track to reach the 2030 suicide reduction targets. WHO advocates for countries to take action to prevent suicide, ideally through a comprehensive national suicide prevention strategy. Governments and communities can contribute to suicide prevention by implementing LIVE …
Preventing suicide: A global imperative - World Health …
Aug 17, 2014 · “Preventing suicide: a global imperative” is the first WHO report of its kind. It aims to increase awareness of the public health significance of suicide and suicide attempts, to make suicide prevention a higher priority on the global public health agenda, and to encourage and support countries to develop or strengthen comprehensive suicide prevention strategies in a …